Friday, 27 July 2012

3D PageFlip for PowerPoint v2.0 [Mediafire Software]

3D PageFlip for PowerPoint v2.0 MFShelf Software

3D PageFlip for PowerPoint v2.0 [Mediafire Software]
3DPageFlip for PowerPoint is an application to make flippingbook as creator tool to create interactive flash-based content from PowerPoint slide shows with 3D effects Flip the page. It offers time-saving way to create rich-media presentations interactive 3D for easy publishing and sharing online. You can create interactive 3D magazines, catalogs, brochures, books or newspapers of Microsoft PowerPoint in minutes without any Flash / HTML or programming skills. By converting PowerPoint to Flash documentation, it inherits the strength of Microsoft PowerPoint, and extends with a smaller file size, greater multimedia integration, easier accessibility and more trusted security.

Convert PPT to Flash eBook with 3D page turning effect.
Export and save settings or projects for future uses
Apply a pre-designed template
Define book Title
Enable Auto Flip with setting Flip Interval
Enable users to share via Facebook, iGoogle, Myspace, Twitter, Digg etc
Set Zoom Modal to zoom in single page or double pages together
Input Presenter information such as name, website address, Email and details info to show in About Window
Set Google ID to analyze visited pages in your 3D eBook
Choose color for Tool Bar
Pre-set tilt angle while opening the eBook
Set background with pure/gradient color or image directly (5 positions for background image: Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile and Center)
Insert background sound and define loop status
Output to different formats: HTML, ZIP, EXE, Mobile Version and Burn to CD

HTML allows you to upload to a website to be viewed online (with title, keywords and other metadata defined)
EXE (with setting title, icon and open window size) and Zip allow you to send to your user by email to be viewed on their computer
Mobile version is to output HTML 3D flipbook which can be viewed on mobile devices via Browsers
Burn to CD allows you to burn to disk so that you can send your user physical media for viewing on their computer

Download link
MF Download
Password : freesoft88
Source : freesoft88

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